We Provide a Variety Of High-End
Auto Services

With over 15 years of experience in the automotive industry in the USA, we are now offering our services to UK customers as the best provider of bank/lease vehicles. As the first company in the United Kingdom to provide both buyers and sellers with a secure online car purchasing experience, you can trust that you are getting a reliable product when you buy with us. Traditional methods of buying a car from a private seller can be risky, with issues like hidden mechanical problems, inflated prices, and inaccurate mileage. But with us, you can be confident in your purchase.


We eliminate these risks and protect the buyer.


Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to thoroughly evaluating and inspecting every car that comes through our doors. We are confident in the quality of the vehicles we offer and provide a 12-month warranty as well as a detailed technical inspection report to the buyer.

Call Us Today +44 289 620 1105

Free Service Maintenance at Delivery​

Once our engineers have completed their inspection, all vehicles from us will receive a Complete Maintenance Before Sale, including an oil change and replacement of filters, to ensure that they are in top condition.

12 months warranty ; 30 days to return

As a seller, you have the opportunity to return the vehicle within 30 days if you are not satisfied. Additionally, all of our cars come with a 12-month warranty for your peace of mind.

14 days test period and Fast Delivery

As a buyer, you have the opportunity to test the car within a 14-day period after receiving it and can choose to reject the vehicle at no cost to you if it does not meet your expectations.

Got Some Questions? Feel Free to Ask Us!

For the first time in the United Kingdom, our company is offering the highest level of security to both buyers and sellers during the car purchasing process. You can trust that when you buy with us, you are completely protected.

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